Contact us: Business hours (phone/fax): (02) 9799 2258
24 hours: (02) 9798 0785
email: haberfieldvet@yahoo.com.au
Dr. Tanya Carter

Dr Tanya Carter Founder of the Haberfield Veterinary Hospital
Tanya, a Member by examination of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Animal Welfare, is a past president of the ANZCVS Animal Welfare Chapter. She is President of AVCB (the Conservation Biology Special Interest Group of the AVA), Past President of the Australian Veterinary Association’s AVAWE (Australian Veterinarians for Animal Welfare and Ethics), and Chair of the AVA’s Animal Welfare Trust that distributes funds for research into animal welfare. Honorary Veterinarian for the Childrens Medical Research Institute, she also serves on several Animal Ethics Committees and is a veterinary member of the NSW NCAT. Tanya was a recipient of the Belle Bruce Reid medal awarded to Australia’s top 100 women vets by the University of Melbourne. Tanya has a Master of Science in International Animal Welfare Ethics and Law from Edinburgh University and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. She is a published author and presenter on veterinary ethics and recently edited a book titled 'One Welfare in Practice: the role of the veterinarian'. She has four adult children and nine grandchildren.

Dr. Helen Gibson

Dr Helen Gibson has been with us for many years and is an experienced veterinarian. Mother to three beautiful girls, she is also a practising artist. Helen has a degree in Fine Arts as well as her BVSc. (You can see some of Helen’s artwork on the walls of our waiting room). Helen works regularly on Monday night, on Tuesday and Thursday during the day, and every second Friday. Helen enjoys surgery and performs our complex surgeries such as cruciate repairs.
Dr. Mark Lawrie

Dr. Mark Lawrie is an experienced veterinarian and works with us on a regular basis.
We are very pleased to have veterinarian Dr Wen Jin Shih who works for us on a regular casual basis on Sundays.
Luana is a full time qualified vet nurse. Casual vet nurse Lizzie is a qualified veterinary nurse with a special interest in wildlife. Long term experienced nurse Rachael commutes from Canberra to work on a casual basis. Julia is studying vet nursings at TAFE and works on a casual basis. Kayla, who has a special interest in wildlife, works on a casual basis. Jessie who is also a resident student works on a casual basis.

Our resident vet student Jessie looks after hospitalised animals over night. She will be joined by a new cohort of highly motivated resident students in the near future.

CAPA is an American organisation that arranges for American students to travel abroad for a couple of months as part of their studies back home. We are fortunate to have an excellent relationship with them. It is good to see so many young American students enjoying the opportunity to study and work in Australia. We hope that once the threat of Covid diminishes we will be able to have them come to us again.