Contact us: Business hours (phone/fax): (02) 9799 2258
24 hours: (02) 9798 0785
email: haberfieldvet@yahoo.com.au
You don't have to call or see us only when your pet is sick. If you need some advice on an issue relating to your pet please contact us. For example we can answer your questions on healthy diet or dental hygiene for your pet.
We have a limited boarding service for cats and small quiet dogs. Cat-boarding facilities for short or long stays. You need never leave your pet alone again. (Remember to book in early for busy holiday periods).
We do simple dog and cat clipping. This is a particularly useful service for those animals needing sedation to clip. Just call us to arrange an appointment.
We prefer to discharge animals either between 4.30pm and 5.00pm or after 6.00pm. This avoids a long wait for you during our busy consultation period. Dropping off and picking up your animals can be organised outside of normal hours by prior arrangement.
Emergency services
For after-hours emergencies phone 9798 0785.
Flea and tick problems
Just give us a call to discuss the best flea prevention regime for your pet. We stock a good range of flea and tick control products as well as wormers. Although this is generally not a tick area we do see animals affected by ticks from time to time. Symptoms include breathing difficulties and problems walking.
Click here to learn more about fleas and ticks.
House calls, pick up and delivery
We offer a pick-up and delivery service as well as house calls for routine procedures for elderly or incapacitated clients.
Does your pet have a microchip?
We are still seeing a number of animals without microchips or whose microchip details are wrong. This is quite disturbing as many of these animals are just 'lost' and we can't find their owners. Please have your pets micro-chipped and if you change your address, change the details by submitting the necessary form. We have forms for you to use for this most important function so please just ask for one if you are changing your address.
Out-of-hours drop off and pick up
Dropping off and picking up your animals can be organised outside of normal hours by prior arrangement. Remember - in the middle of the day we are always available for emergencies.
Pensioner discounts
We offer a pensioner discount of 10% off the cost of consultations and surgery.
Pets needing homes
Click here for the Strays page to see if there are any pets currently needing a new home.
Pocket pets
We don't only see dogs and cats at the Haberfield Veterinary Hospital. We are also able to see your small companions - rats, mice, guinea pigs, ferrets and rabbits. We carry out routine desexing of rabbits. We can attend to basic care of birds such as nail and beak trims and give advice.
Puppy pre-school
Delta Society accredited dog-trainer, Louise, is running the Puppy Pre-School. Phone us for details of the next class.
Join our fun and effective puppy class and avoid future behaviour problems.
Bookings essential. Please ring to enrol now. 9798 0785
Most of the surgery that we do (eg: desexings, teeth cleaning, etc.) is 'day-stay' only. Animals are admitted in the morning and discharged in the afternoon.
Transporting your pets
It is important that you bring your dog on a lead and your cat confined in a cage so that you are able to keep them under control during your visit. A frightened or flighty pet can get into trouble very easily otherwise. If you don't have a cat-carry cage just borrow one of ours. And don't forget that cats will often travel quite well in a pillow slip or similar cloth bag in lieu of cage.